Welcome to a new year!!! And welcome to a new blog birthed over Christmas break! The first Monday of the new year is always my favorite! This particular day has us all sorts of giddy over here. It is supposed to be my kids first day back to school after a long two week Christmas break, but we have ourselves a wintery wonderland outside today. Our first snow day!
Every January I sit down and ask God for a word for the new year. For 2022, I have received the word Adamant.
ADAMANT: //not willing to change an opinion or decision; very determined //unshakable or insistent especially in maintaining a position or opinion

Each new year I ask the Lord to give me a word for the upcoming year. Some years it is something I want to manifest in my life. Other years, I sense him speaking about aspects of His Kingdom that He wants to teach me, by way of experiencing it for myself. The ones I remember being character qualities were “Willing” and “Purposeful”. The others I remember quite clearly being a taste-and-see tutorial were “Generosity” and “Discipline”.
Let me tell you about the year of “Discipline”. First off, when I felt like that word was brought to mind, I had a back-and-forth conversation with God that went something like this:
Me: Wait, what? Discipline? What do you mean?
God: Yes, discipline.
Me: Okay, I know what you mean. And I desire to learn this. But can you give me a synonym please? You know I’m not motivated by the negative. All I picture is being swatted with a ruler. Not fun.
God: Sweet daughter, it is “discipline” this year. I love you.
Me: {grunts}
I know God laughs with me (and at me, at times – He created me and all). I was 100% serious when I asked for a synonym, by the way. And He never gave me one. Discipline it was for that year.
The funny thing I’ve noticed about this “word” process is that sometimes I don’t recognize the lesson during that particular year. When the word is given each January, I typically don’t have a clue what the word will represent or how it is going to be applied. It’s a mystery that God unveils throughout the year. The way it unfolds is that it feels like I’m hacking my way through life that year, ups and downs, but still seeking Him through my excitement and tears. Life more often than not just feels hard. But the following year it will hit me! The tutorial or revelation as it pertains to that particular word becomes clear as I’m able to look back at the different ways I have grown, progressed, reacted differently or see people/situations through a new lens.
So this year it is “adamant”. I can guess different ways I would like that word to effect my year. Like, being adamant about showing up for my relationships. Or unwavering in my focus for the life-giving habits in my life.

We will see where God takes me!

I am excited to see what this new word unfolds in this next year! Happy New Year! Here’s to 2022!! xoxo
You are such a queen, Shannon! What a great read to add to my Monday. I can’t wait to keep up with your blog! Love and miss you guys💕
I’m trying to give it a whirl! Thanks for your encouragement!
You are such an inspiration and a queen, Shannon! Thank you for doing this blog, I look forward to keeping up with it. I love and miss you guys💕
I am so excited that you started this! Congratulations! 🎉 Love you!
Thanks Kathryn!!!!