Each month I’ll be sharing a week’s worth of a “Photo a Day”, chosen at random. I love the idea of being able to look back and see what a typical week was like for us in each season of life. Plus, you’ll get a little peek into what our summers look like around here at the Grossman house. 😉
Tuesday, July 19

There’s been lots of kitchen creations going on here each afternoon. Mostly using whatever fresh fruit we’ve picked up. Smoothies are becoming a 3pm staple to cool down and hold the kids over until dinnertime.
Noah was so excited to find this heart shaped strawberry while making a greek yogurt trifle for me. This boy is always super creative when it comes to preparing things in the kitchen. Like his daddy, he has this innate ability to put a magical explosion of flavor in each thing he makes.

My afternoon pick-me-up, compliments of my sweet boy!
Wednesday, July 20

The kids went to a half-day soccer camp all week. They had fun and liked being with their friends, but for sure rated each day according to how hot it was and the amount of shade available. They were troopers though! As were us carpool moms! 🤪

Naiya is on the home stretch for braces! She has one more month to go, and then gets her braces off a few days before school starts. So exciting! She has a couple weeks of having this rubberband contraption (that she has to wear at night). She most definitely will be glad to be past this part of the process.
Thursday, July 21

Another hot and humid day of soccer had everyone wiped. Each day of this week, Hazel joined us for the hour-long ride to and from camp.

The kids all went to a swim meet later in the evening (our swim league has weekday evening meets in order to avoid weekend beach traffic). This was actually the first meet my girls participated in, because we have been so busy this summer traveling, spending time with dear friends before they moved, as well as being away for my dad’s celebration of life. Unfortunately, the meet ended up being cancelled midway due to a thunderstorm. Boo. On our way home we stopped at Chipotle for dinner and as the skies cleared, a rainbow appeared!
Friday, July 22

On our way to the last day of soccer camp!
Saturday, July 23

On Saturday morning, we headed to St. Michaels bright and early for the kids’ last swim meet of the regulation season! This meet was optional as a last chance opportunity for swimmers to qualify and/or get a better seed time for the swim championships, referred to as, “Champs”. Since we were gone so much and missed most of the meets, all of the kids wanted to participate. Both Noah and Alexia qualified for an additional stroke, and Naiya got a faster time for Back.


Later in the evening after we got home from the meet and all took a nap, friends arrived to stay with us for the weekend! Lauren, Laurel and I all met almost eight years ago, when we lived in Annapolis. Lauren is the only one still living there, as Laurel and her family moved to Virginia Beach and us to the eastern shore. This was a special trip because we were finally able to meet Laurel’s third baby, Lucy! Such a sweet time with friends.
Sunday, July 24

After dinner we let the kids watch a movie, while the adults hung out and chatted.
Monday, July 25

Our Monday morning crew. We had a full house, as friends of Laurel’s show up to “port” while on their maiden voyage of living on a sailboat for a year. They were happy to shower, do laundry, enjoy some AC, and be with friends. We had a little morning church around our breakfast table to bring each of us life. I just love what my dear friend Laurel brings to the table and her ability to surround herself and gather with people that are pursuing growth and fun.
That’s a week of summer in the Grossman household! I know these are the types of days/weeks that I will miss most when I look back at this season of life.