Sharing another week’s worth of Photo a Day. I am loving the motivation to try and snap a picture each day. I thought I would just do this once a month, but it’s been so much fun to get a week’s view of life over here, I’m going for it a second week in a row!
Here’s a Photo a Day from this last week…
Tuesday, July 26

I posted this over on Instagram last week, but it’s just too dang cute to not share over here on the blog, too! My three younger kids have summer work that is assigned and due the first day of school. So while Naiya reads her literature requirement, she has Hazel keeping her company as her study buddy.
Wednesday, July 27

Since we were unsuccessful with our hunt to find a corn syrup-free ice cream sandwich at the store, it inspired us to just make our own! Alexia has perfected her chocolate chip cookie recipe, and we picked up our favorite ice cream, Haagan Dazs vanilla, for the filling. It was a bit messier than we expected, but delicious nonetheless!
Thursday, July 28

We are approaching the final week before our county 4H fair! Each year Alexia participates in 4H Pony Express, which involves Show Days where she competes (she does both english and western for 4H). She will be staying in a camper with a couple friends at the fairgrounds all of next week, and this will be the first year she has her horse, Selah, staying in a stall all week at fair. It will be a week of hard work, heat and humidity, fair food, and family fun!
Friday, July 29

Late Thursday night, we had our friends, the Hurleys, come visit us for a couple nights. Sadly, we didn’t take any pics. While our friends were here, Ryan thought it would be fun to bring our horses over for the day. Selah (with the white stripe) is Alexia’s horse that she rides and competes with, and we recently bought, Lady, an old mare to keep Selah company. We currently board our horses next door at Alexia’s trainer’s barn, but intend to bring them to our house as soon as we get their fields ready. The highlight of having them on our property was watching our friend’s 15 year old son get on Lady bareback and trot around (while Alexia led the horse on a rope). Hilarious!
Saturday, July 30

On Saturday, the girls and I were up bright and early and out the door by 6:30am for their swim meet. Alexia, Naiya and Noah all qualified for their swim league’s Championships “Champs” meet, so we spent all day cheering them on. The meet was split in half by age, so I brought the girls to the first half and Ryan brought Noah to the second half. I love the energy at this meet! Noah was so proud of himself for shaving 4 seconds off of his Freestyle, because he accepted Ryan’s challenge of swimming the full 25 meters without taking a breath. Noah also qualified for Backstroke, Naiya for Back as well, and Alexia’s fastest stroke was Breastroke, but also swam in Free. So proud of these kiddos! That’s the end of summer swim season, up next is Fall soccer! I can’t wait.
Sunday, July 31

After church on Sunday, Naiya had a couple friends from school over. They kept busy with baking a peanut butter cup cake and playing with the puppy. Naiya will be the only girl in her 8th grade class (of four) next year, so she’s grateful to have other girls in Upper School to have as friends! Alexia and Naiya will be separated from each other at school this next year for the first time in a long time, as Alexia goes off to high school. Thankfully, the local public high school is right across the street from where the other three go to school, so I’m sure Alexia will have ample time to visit. All five of Alexia’s graduating class will be attending the same school, and they have already compared class schedules and have a few classes here and there. Four of them have honors math together, and I can only imagine what those four will get into together in that class.
Monday, August 1

Josiah and Ryan have been spending a lot of time recently playing golf together. This little guy has picked up the game of golf quickly and now carries a new (to him) set of clubs around. He usually comes home tired, sweaty and hungry, but it’s a great outlet for him as he has a more intense personality and needs to get out and do stuff. I love watching each of the unique connections that our kids have with their daddy. It typically boils down to this for Ryan’s one-on-one time this summer with each kid…Alexia and him go on trail rides with our horses around our property now, Naiya wants to go out for coffee and buy gum somewhere, Noah wants to go to the library and pick out books, and Josiah wants to play golf.
That’s another week of our summer life! I’m off to take my boys to VBS and then dropoff Alexia at her summer soccer training with the high school team! Have a great Tuesday. xoxo