It is finally here! Today, is the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!
At noon, our kids will officially be on SUMMER BREAK!
We have a full day of festivities today. Starting us off with a bang, is Alexia’s 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony! Followed by her 8th grade graduation swim party.
Immediately following that, I’m whisking my girls and their friends back to our house for Naiya’s 13th birthday party sleepover. I can’t wait!

There’s never a dull moment with this girl around…

This girl has always carried so much JOY, that at age two, Ryan and I discussed changing her middle name from “May” to “Joy”. I found this on my phone recently…

Today, I’m also sharing…

…another edition of PEEK INTO LIFE!
This is where I show you a “peek” into different aspects of our life. Topics ranging from our house, how I organize, plan, and do regular life. I love seeing how other moms run their homes, do family, and I always enjoy learning new tips!
In January, we took a peek into our coffee bar.
In February, we took a peek into our enneagram types.
In March, we took a peek into our perfect date.
In April, we took a peek into our fridge and pantry.
In May, we WERE SUPPOSED to take a peek into our storage organization located in our basement, but we had a last minute construction renovation come up, so our basement storage area is currently reconfigured and drop cloths are covering our shelf units.
Current situation of our basement living space…

…and storage room…

Today, we’re taking a peek into our SUMMER BUCKET LIST!

We love the changing of a season around here, so we make a bucket list to make sure we experience each season to the fullest! Our summer is mostly full of swim team and vacations, but for the days where we have nothing planned, our bucket list helps gives us some direction.

I sit down with my kids and we create this together. Some of it is family-oriented, some with friends, and some we jot down what we’re excited to do on any given vacation planned. It all helps us anticipate what we’ll do each summer to make memories together!
Today, I’m asking on stories over on my instagram…What are some of your SUMMER BUCKET LIST suggestions for your family? Would love to hear them, or feel free to comment here! I’d love to add a few more to our list!
Alright, I’m off to run around and celebrate all the things! Have a great weekend! xoxo