Welcome to Monday! Ryan and I returned from a whirlwind of a trip to San Diego. It was full of good weather, good food and we had the opportunity to spend the weekend getting to know amazing people who are…
February Goals
Hello there, February! This is one of my most anticipated months. After a dreary month of January cold, February is the perfect pick-me-up with the Valentine’s pinks and reds. So cheery! Ryan and I are not huge Valentine’s Day celebrators….
January 2022 Book Review
Happy Monday!!! After a weekend full of snow, a one-night get away with sisters (in-law), a cousin sleepover and my niece’s birthday party, we are all feeling refreshed and rejuvenated and ready to tackle this week! My crew headed out…
Ways I Stay: Motivated
Welcome to a monthly series I will be starting called “Ways I Stay…”. This month I’m sharing all of the ways I stay MOTIVATED! Let’s get to it! As we round out January, it seems fitting to discuss “motivation”. I…
Organize: Junk Drawer
We’re nearing the end of January, my favorite month to purge and move towards minimalism! I’m hoping to continue to ride the spark of motivation to tackle every nook and cranny of unorganized, cluttered space in our house. No better…
Amazon Finds | January 2022
Happy Friday, friends! I can’t believe another week has flown by and we’re almost to the end of January! I have been busy this month getting my house reset, minimalized and organized. My mantra I keep telling myself and the…