We’re nearing the end of January, my favorite month to purge and move towards minimalism! I’m hoping to continue to ride the spark of motivation to tackle every nook and cranny of unorganized, cluttered space in our house. No better way to start the new year, than to take charge of the chaos!
This year, I knew in order to tackle some of the cluttered spaces it would require creating new systems and ordering small storage solutions. Wicker baskets and plastic organizers have come to save the day over here! It felt like an investment, but has been well worth the mental peace.

First up, I took EVERYTHING out of the drawer. This way, I was able to know what I have and how much space is needed to store each item. This was also my time to throw away anything that was hanging around unused or broken. Items that had made their way into the junk drawer, because we were too lazy to find a more permanent home for them, was given a new dedicated home somewhere else in the house.

Next up, time to vacuum up all the dirt and grime that had collected over the last year.

I sealed the deal with wiping the drawer down, and now it’s time to get this drawer back in order!
The goal for each area I’m cleaning is to create a well organized space, where there is no question where things go! Especially since I share the house with five other human beings that may or may not share my same enthusiasm with keeping things organized.
The junk drawer can be tricky, because while its main function is to hold our most-used everyday office items (pens, sharpies, stapler, tape, plus car keys), it is also the most useful place to store items that aren’t used everyday, but need safe-keeping (gift cards, touch-up cabinet paint, storage keys, and of course…hillbilly teeth).

Ta-da! Makes my heart sing! Everything has a “home”! I upgraded my storage solutions to a product that has deeper dimensions. My previous organizing solution had only about a two inch depth, so pens and other items kept spilling out over to the next compartment. And before you know it, everything is everywhere!

I ordered a combination of THESE from The Container Store. I love the three inch depth! It’s amazing how much of a difference it makes when there is an additional inch of height! I used a combo of the 4″ square, 4″ x 8″, and 4″ x 12″ organizers.

I loved these organizers so much, I decided to order a few more to use in a second drawer in my kitchen! Both of these drawers are high-traffic areas for my kids, so having them be highly organized is super helpful as it makes it easy for them to put things away. Which means, less chaos and less eye-twitching for this mama!
Now I’m inspired to tackle more areas of my house! Kids closets, linen closets and bathroom vanities are on my list. I’m hoping to use Amazon as my go-to for affordable options. Just need to do a little research first!

I’m currently reading this book as well, adding to my arsenal of organizing tips. Science has proven that our minds are less stressed when our homes are uncluttered! I want my home to feel cozy and organized, a place where my family can relax and settle in each day.
My plan to tackle our whole house is to do one little space at a time. I just keep making one area my next goal, being diligent to keep my focus on that area and not get overwhelmed by all of the other areas needing to still be organized. Even a small organizing project, like my junk drawer, brings such a sense of accomplishment and peace!
Hope your week is off to a great start! Check back here on Friday, as I kickoff my monthly series of “Ways I Stay…”. This month, I will be sharing some of the ways I stay “motivated”. Happy Wednesday! xoxo