Happy Monday!
We had an additional 5 days off of school last week due to the winter snow storm, but our kids were up and at ’em this morning! Well, the boys were at least. The girls’ school had a 90-minute delay, so they had the luxury of sleeping in, yet again. I spent my morning at the orthodontist with Noah getting a consultation. Kid #3 is up for braces!

If you didn’t catch last week’s post MEMORY LANE MOMENT WEEK 2, be sure to check that out!
Today, I’m sharing week three of MEMORY LANE MOMENT!
Each week, I am taking photos and content from past various blogs I’ve created over the years (dating all the way back to 2006), and re-posting them here to create a consolidated storyline of my life as a young wife and mom. So expect 52 throwback posts in 2025! I love the thought of being able to go to one blog space to be reminded of our family story
Grab a coffee and blanket and settle in. We’re picking up where we left off…

…in 2007, where I’m 24 weeks along. We owned a home in the same neighborhood as Ryan’s parents and his brother (and our sister-in-law). We brought our first two babies home to this house.

Loving elastic waisted jeans at 25 weeks! By this time, I officially felt like my belly was big. Nervousness set in as I hoped being “belly heavy” wasn’t going to prove to be too uncomfortable. I also quickly learned that I don’t tolerate being uncomfortable too well. Pregnancies are not for the faint hearted. Ryan liked to remind me that it’s “mind over matter”. Twenty years later and I still hear him chime in from time to time with that mindset talk. It’s as annoying today as it was back then.
Still enjoying feeling our baby move, it was always a race to get Ryan’s hand fast enough to my belly to feel it for himself. Usually, our baby was done entertaining by the time Ryan could get his hand there.

My aunt gave me this maternity top at my baby shower, it seemed huge at the time! But at 26 weeks, I finally fit into it.

At 27 weeks, I was pregnant simultaneously with one of my closest high school friends.

Coming up on 28 weeks here. With my growing belly, I was caught off guard while at the grocery store when a middle-aged man saw me rubbing my sore belly and commented, “Rubbing it for good luck?” I had no words.
My biggest discomfort this far along in my pregnancy was always in the middle of my back. Torture for me was to be stuck in the car for too long. Especially in other peoples’ cars, where I didn’t feel the freedom to accommodate myself to the more comfortable position of laying on my side. My sleeping routine now included waking to go to the bathroom a minimum of two times, sleeping with a pillow either in between my legs or tucked underneath my belly, and then a constant switching of which side I sleep on (Ryan complained that the nightly result of this is that I stole the covers). Still to this day, post-pregnancy, I sleep on my side with a body pillow and switch sides throughout the night.

Our first glimpse of our baby with a 3-D sonogram! So precious!

Later this month, we would host our Grossman family Easter. This would be another “last”. Our last Easter just the two of us, but we were so excited to meet this baby of ours! Ryan’s sister had had her first baby (the first grandchild of the siblings)! Our firstborn babies would be four months apart.
That’s it for MEMORY LANE MOMENT WEEK 3! It’s been so nostalgic to go through these old blog posts and photos and re-post here on Fun for Life Mama!
You can catch up on more Memory Lane Moments (in chronological order):
I’ve got a list a mile long of all the things I put off last week, in lieu of taking it slow and cozying up! Time to get my act together now. Here’s to a great, productive week!
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