If you didn’t catch last week’s Memory Lane Moment, be sure to check that out!
Welcome back to week two of MEMORY LANE MOMENT! Each week of this year, I am taking photos and content from past various blogs I’ve created (dating all the way back to 2006), and re-posting them here to a consolidated space. So expect 52 throwback posts in 2025!
Grab a coffee and settle in…

In the fall of 2007, we found out I was pregnant for my second time (I miscarried my first), our due date would be June 5 (I ended up delivering two weeks early and had a May 22 baby!). The first trimester was so rough. I wound up in the hospital because I couldn’t keep anything down for over 48 hours and was extremely dehydrated. I was prescribed zofran and promethazine administered through an IV for three days straight. It was glorious and awful at the same time. I went home with oral presciptions of the same anti-nausea medications (the same given to patients going through chemo), which helped but didn’t alleviate entirely. Laying down and trying to move as little as possible, proved to be the only solution to feel somewhat okay.
Once out of my first trimester, I still felt waves of nausea throughout every day, but I at least felt good enough to get dressed and out of the house more days than not. At four months pregnant, the Grossman extended family went on a road trip to Wabash, Indiana to visit Ryan’s paternal grandparents.

Look at all those baby faces! I’ll never forget that this was the trip where my sister-in-law, Jenna, and I were reprimanded by Grandma Grossman for both turning down her offer for ice cream after lunch! Still to this day, we reminisce and laugh about that!

In December, Ryan and I would celebrate our last Christmas as a family of TWO!

Now that I was feeling a bit better, I guess we thought making a cross-country trip was a good idea?! Ryan and I flew into Spokane, Washington and drove to Hayden, Idaho to visit my dad. It was beautiful, but what I remember most about this trip is…

…this. This picture says it all. In fact, when I see this photo today, it conjurs up feelings of nausea. I vividly remember we hopped in my dad’s car to do some “sightseeing”. We saw lots of snow and moose, but all I wanted to do was go home and lay in my own bed. I was so sick and spent most of the trip in my dad’s guest room. My poor dad, I’m sure he was so disappointed. Ryan even left for a day to go snowboarding by himself, ha!

So many memories here in this photo. This was the house we stayed in when we visited my dad, until he passed (four years ago). His car here is the same one that my high school friends nicknamed “the gold bomber” and was what he drove for decades.
At 5 months along, I started experiencing a lot of movement from Baby #1 (we chose not to find out the gender of each baby and never shared baby names until they were born). Not so much kicking, but it more like a muscle twitch in my stomach. Up until that point, I had been worried that my baby’s movement in my belly would be uncomfortable, but it turned out to be such nan enjoyable experience! It was one of the few ways that made me feel especially connected to our baby.

In February of 2008, we made a trip to New Jersey to visit friends. Geesh, I did not remember how much we traveled during this pregnancy. To be honest, most of my memories of being pregnant are how sick I felt. Remember our Scottish and Aussie bride and groom that we celebrated in Memory Lane Moment Week 1? They were visiting NYC, so we all met up at our friends’ parents’ house in New Jersey and went into the city together.

Our visit would continue on in New Jersey where our friend’s parents ran a guest home for a mission organization (the guest home welcomed missionaries on short-term visits on their way inbound or outbound to the mission field). This “home” was actually a mansion built in the 1930s.

Our friends by then, had welcomed their first born baby boy.

Jackson would be the first of four babies born that year among Ryan’s high school friends. Alexia was the only baby girl. The guys below from our Australia trip were in the graduating class of ’96 of an international high school in Manila, Philippines. Those firstborns are now all in their junior year of high school! 🤯

That’s it for MEMORY LANE MOMENT WEEK 2! It’s been so nostalgic to go through these old blog posts and photos. Thanks for joining along!
Happy Wednesday! xoxo
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