Happy Wednesday, friends!
I was able to read four books in May, thanks to traveling and a slower sports schedule. I added another thriller to my book list (shocking, I know), plus two chick lit and a personal development!

I started the month off with…

Wrong Place Wrong Time by Gillian McCallister.
This is my second thriller I’ve read this year. I usually shy away from this genre, as I get scared easily. While this one included a murder, the book continued on with more of a “who dunnit” plot. Although, you immediately know who did the crime, the mystery that unveils is “why”? It was engaging, was easy to follow the characters (only once did I have to go back and remind myself of who was who), and the plot took unexpected twists and turns. It was suspenseful, but not too much. I loved the portrayal of a family with a teenager at home, I had to chuckle at the familiar season of life we’re in with attitudes sprinkled in with a sense of innocence and a love for family, flaws and all. I loved the theme of loyalty to family (although it is questioned at times as the plot unfolds). It made me think about how life really is made up of a succession of decisions that effect future decisions. What if I choose one thing over another, would it lead to a different path or ending? I’m not an over-thinker by nature, but it was fun to take a small moment to consider!
Next up, one of Ryan’s favorites…

The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg.
I have started and stopped this book at least 3-4 times. This month, I was ready to educate myself on the psychology of forming (and keeping) new habits! Over the past few years, I have formed new habits that still remain today such as, making my bed every morning, keeping up with the laundry without letting it all pile up, drinking water, and creating time to work on my blog. However, a recent habit I’ve lost is working out consistently. I was ready to pick that one back up, as well as I wanted to quit the bad habit of biting my cuticles. I had hoped to forego manicures this year alongside my #onebuyamonth challenge (where I only buy one item for myself each month of this year). However, I re-prioritized quitting biting my fingers and having my nails done and look pretty is a big incentive! This book holds the key to successful habit formation, and randomly, even had a success story of a woman who quit biting her nails! This is a book Ryan and I want our kids to read, because there really is so much power in good habits creating opportunities for success in life!
This next book was a default choice, as my library did not have the book I intended to read, “Our Italian Summer” available. Instead, my search suggested…
One Italian Summer by Rebecca Serle.

This book was an interesting read, mostly because it did a great job of transporting me to the Almafi Coast in Italy. After reading this book, I told Ryan we need to go back to Italy. While I loved the setting of this book, sadly I thought the plot was, meh. I wouldn’t go as far to say that I disliked this book, but I did find myself thinking how it was a bit far-fetched. Time space and travel was a hard sell for me, as well as I felt disappointed with one of the main character’s decision as it pertains to fidelity. I did appreciate the ending though, as it ended wrapped with a pretty red bow. My favorite kind of ending! I have read another novel by this author, In Five Years, which also included time travel, but I enjoyed that one much more. I’m going to give another one of her books a try.
The last book I read was…

The Royal We by Heather Cocks & Jessica Morgan (1 of 2 in series)
This book was so fun to read! I’m on a Royals kick right now for some odd reason. It is fascinating to read about the British Royal lifestyle, it is one I in no way envy, all the rules and drama sound so exhausting! But reading about it, even if in fiction form, is intriguing. This book is fiction, but loosely based on the courtship of Prince William to Kate Middleton. I gasped, laughed out loud, surprisingly teared up once, this was my favorite read of the month, by far! I’m adding the second book of this series, The Heir Affair, to my reading list!
That wraps up my MAY 2023 BOOK REVIEW post!
I thought I’d also include what Noah (my 10 year old) is reading these days. He is my avid reader and blows through books at lightning speed. If you’re needing some suggestions for a fifth grade boy reading list, here you go!
His favorite book series include:

The Ranger’s Apprentice series

Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales series

Ryan’s cousin recommended this author and we were able to find a huge secondhand collection for Noah to read. I find this book series lying around the house the most!
I hope this gives you some direction for books to read for your fifth to sixth grade kids! Hope your transition to the summery month of June is as highly anticipated as it is around here at the Grossman house!