After taking Monday off from posting in order to catch up with all the things, I had to laugh when I heard one of my kids moaning before school about how they think Monday after Super Bowl should be a holiday. Me too kid, me too.
This is the post I get the most excited about each month! I love the idea of being able to go back and look at snapshots of what we were up to in our normal every day routine of life. Albeit boring most of the time, but special to me!
Here’s a little look at life lately…

Ryan and I had a quick trip to San Diego two weeks ago. It was so nice to get away and enjoy a kid-free weekend! We recently joined the board of one of our favorite organizations, I’ll be sharing about that soon!

We spent our first night and the following day in Coronado at an historic hotel on the beach. It was such a cool mixture of historic and beachy vibes.

There were old photos framed all around the hotel. It was fun to see how the hotel was used throughout the years, as well as who visited. On our way to the hotel from the airport, our uber driver told us that Marilyn Monroe had filmed a movie at this hotel in the 1950s.

Each floor was open to the outside, it was so beautiful and peaceful!

I loved the whimsical wallpapaer! Another blend of traditional and beachy.

We ate most of our meals on-site during our short stay at The Del, at a few of their beachfront restaurants. Ryan and I had to laugh when we saw a business meeting happening at the table next to us, fit with business collared shirts, jeans and flip flops. I guess that’s how they do in San Diego! 😎

Back at home, our weather this month has been up to the 60s and back down to the 20s. During the warmer days, Ryan has been running routes with the boys. Against my better judgment, I think Josiah is going to sign up for football next fall. He is die hard about watching and playing every chance he gets!

We’ve been trying to get Alexia to the barn to ride four times a week, so lots of time spent there these days. We are so lucky to have an amazing barn family that helps us get Alexia over there, because it’s no joke to juggle four kids and a girl’s passion for horses! (Thanks Cara!!)

I’m enjoying my days with this little guy at home. He is definitely bored with me most days, and is not as enthusiastic about running errands with me unless there’s a treat involved. But I’m trying to soak it all up before he goes off to school with his siblings next year!

Lots of football watching this past month, sad to see the season end. (Blurry photo credit: Josiah).

You can find Noah close to the fire every morning and afternoon. This is where he chooses to do his homework each day.

For Christmas, we gave each of the kids a puzzle. Love a good winter activity!

The boys creative energy is going strong over here!

Total random plug…has anyone tried these?! I found them at Trader Joe’s and got them for Ryan as he’s made a lifestyle change to what he’s eating this year. THEY ARE AMAZING!

Just like every year, we celebrated our hearts out for Valentine’s Day! This is such a fun holiday to make festive for my kids!

Ryan and I have been getting out more recently without kids, it’s such a wild season where our older girls can babysit their siblings! It’s so nice not to have to rush home or coordinate crazy logistics in order to get out of the house together.

Every night, I put the boys to bed by laying smack dab in the middle of them. They share a room and a queen bed, so we get lots of cuddles at the end of each day. Most nights, I read Josiah a book (that Noah has usually already read a million times), while Noah reads his own book next to us. I love these boys so much!
Well, that’s a little life lately here at the Grossman house! See you back here on Friday. xoxo