Nothing like starting off the new year with trying something new…
Every month this year, I’ll be sharing little aspects of our life where you can take a LOOK and see how we do things here at the Grossman house. I’ll be joining a monthly link up with Erika and Shay, ranging from topics of relationships, routines, my mama life, and how I organize, plan, and do regular life. I love seeing how other moms run their homes, structure their routines, and I always enjoy learning new tips!
You can be on the lookout during 2025 for the following random assortment of topics…

Welcome to the first edition of LET’S LOOK for 2025! Kickstarting the new year with LOW LEVEL GOALS FOR 2025.
Last week, I shared my 2025 NEW YEAR GOALS, which really was just a continuation of my 2024 NEW YEAR GOALS. So for this week’s Let’s Look, I’ll do a short, little recap.
Before diving into my list, I want to clarify that my “goals” are not necessarily “low level” in it of themselves. I deem them low level because they are a continuation of goals from years past. My intention is to continue to make small tweaks and pay attention to what motivates me, so that it leads to an enjoyable and sustainable lifestyle! Without further ado…

1. Continue to develop a LIFESTYLE of fitness. Last year I was inspired to develop an “attitude of excellence”. Specifically strategizing how to make working out a sustainable, consistent part of my life. My excuses can run deep if I don’t “feel” like making it a priority. My “why’s” are less about aesthetics at this point in life, and more about longevity (strength) and daily emotional health (being nicer to my family).

Need I say more?

2. Continue to learn to longterm plan. I am learning how important it is to write down my goals and dreams, then set smaller goals within a set time frame (monthly or weekly) to make it more manageable and trackable. I have to remind myself that doing the one small thing, consistently well, has a much bigger impact in the long run than the one extreme idea that I can’t sustain. I tend to have an “all or nothing” mentality that sabotages certain efforts. So my desire to go after my dreams and achieve certain longterm goals has led to my realization of needing to learn how to create small achievable goals and keep showing up every day.

3. Continue to simplify Home Life and Mindful Shopping. A couple years ago I committed to decluttering and simplifying my wardrobe and home by buying less. I focused on refreshing my closet using items I already own, you can check out the system I used for my SPRING CAPSULE WARDROBE. This year, I am committing to mindfully shopping again. I am creating a 24-buy limit for my wardrobe, and a 24-buy limit for our home. This will allow me to buy 2 items a month for my wardrobe, and 2 items a month for our home. I’m excited to challenge myself this year! My hope is to free up mental energy for other things that are more meaningful (travel and having a more calm, peaceful home).
That’s it, for my LOW LEVEL GOALS FOR 2025!
The snow is slowly melting, I’ve got a candle burning and our pup is curled up by the fire. Cozy is our current aim over here. I’m off to wake the kids and get started with our day! Our evening will be spent at an indoor track meet (2 hours away, ugh), so first thing on the docket is to get dinner going in the slow cooker. Tonight’s meal was a request by my kids and will be all ready to go by the time we get home tonight. I’m making my…

…Slow Cooker Peperoncini Beef Sandwiches.
Happy Wednesday! xoxo
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