Happy Monday!!! After a weekend full of snow, a one-night get away with sisters (in-law), a cousin sleepover and my niece’s birthday party, we are all feeling refreshed and rejuvenated and ready to tackle this week! My crew headed out earlier than usual this morning, to go to Donuts with Dad at the big kids’ school.
Today, I’m so excited to share and recap the books I read this past month. I am an avid reader. Always have been, always will be. Words are like life to me! Give me all the words, grammar and vocabulary, but you need to look elsewhere if you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding math. I am NOT your girl for that! I am a journalism major, so books and writing have always guided my life.
Now, I set out to read certain books this month, but I ended up switching things around. Sigh.
Before I get started with my JANUARY BOOK REVIEW, I will say that my favorite genres of books are: historical fiction, autobiographies, chick-lit and personal growth. You’ll find my reviews revolving around these types of books. I am usually opposed to thrillers, as I am easily scared, and typically want the happy-endings or redemptive story types of reads.
That being said, I am more than willing to extend my reading repertoire to other genres, if I know there’s a good recommendation! If you don’t mind, in the comment section, I would love to know what books you have read recently, that you have loved. I would love ideas for what I should read next!

I started the month off with Our Woman in Moscow, a book that I was ready to put down multiple times. I feel bad saying so. I wanted this book to take a turn for the best, I kept holding out and reading on, waiting to get sucked in.
Sadly, it wasn’t until page 278 that I finally felt the anticipation of “what’s going to happen next?!”. My kids kept hearing me groan while reading the book and asked why. I explained I was halfway through the 432 page book, and still waiting for it to get good. One of them asked me what it was about, and all I could say was, “I’m not even sure yet”. After venting to a friend about my dilemma of waiting to get pulled into the plot at page 200-something, she said…”put that book down! Stop wasting your time!” Ha! I couldn’t though, I felt like I had invested so much time already, I had to see it to the end.
Once I finished the book, it made a lot more sense. The characters felt a bit more defined and I almost felt like I needed to re-read the book. Not until the closing of the book, did I have a better understanding of who was who, and where/when things were taking place.
I’m not sure if it’s because I am unfamiliar with Russian history or if I just had trouble following the characters, but I was unable to distinguish who was the antagonist and protagonist. I like to be able to root for the protagonist and be frustrated with the antagonist. Unfortunately, it was hard to follow the characters and what they represented. Each chapter toggled between then and now scenes, which normally I can follow, but the story always seemed to be discombobulated in my mind.
This book’s plot is a story of two sisters, who lose touch for a whole decade, and are finally brought back together as one of them is put in the position of finding a way to rescue the other (and her kids) out of Russia. I will say, it was fascinating to learn about the intelligence and counterintelligence world. It was also my first introduction to the history of the KGB.
When I was not confused, I did enjoy the relational story told of two sisters, and all of the complications that come with family dynamics. There was romance mixed in, maybe a little too much detail at times. But overall, I did appreciate the family loyalty represented in this book. It just wasn’t my favorite overall though.
I have heard such great things about the author, Beatriz Williams. I’d like to give another one of her books a try, because of my love for historical fiction novels.

Okay, so my next read I WAS able to follow along! Woohoo! I love me a book that will come out and grab me from the start! The Girls in the Stilt House is a fictional story about two women from very different backgrounds, who collide with one another as they are forced to face their own demons.
It was suspenseful, and heart-wrenching at times, as both women experienced such tragedy and loss in their own life. There were so many themes that this book included, such as abuse, racial injustice, loss, forgiveness, redemption. My stomach turned at times, with the different issues experienced by each of these women. There was so much heartache and loss! But the continual intertwining of their lives, in order to move forward in their own survival and healing, was painful yet redemptive. This novel is the first written by this author and I look forward to more from her!

Guys. This book. I know this one is not new on the block, as it was published in 2018, but it is a MUST READ. I’m talking a must read for EVERY PERSON ALIVE. This is one I couldn’t put down. It is one that will stick with me.
When I think of historical fiction as a means to really experience and understand a time in history as it pertained to real life people, The Tattooist of Aushwitz is the exact representation of why I love this genre so much. What I love most, is that books are always based on actual true stories. The author of this book spent time interviewing the tattooist that survived the horrors of Auschwitz, and then wrote his story. I could cry right now just thinking about it. It is indescribable what happened to millions of people forced to suffer within those concentration camps during the Holocaust. It is so inspiring to see how this man survived the most tragic, evil circumstances imagined. What ways he found hope, how he persevered, and how he displayed the will to live.
At the end of the book, I felt like I needed to just close my eyes and sit in silence. It is so hard to even imagine the suffering experienced and is a true miracle people actually survived. This is such a powerful book and I highly recommend it to everyone.
Well, that wraps up my January Book Review! WHAT ARE YOU READING THIS MONTH?! Please comment and share!
See you back here on Wednesday, where I’ll be reviewing my January Goals and sharing my goals for February! I put a new spin on my monthly goal setting, check back to see my plan! xoxo