It’s Friiiiidaaaaaaay! And not just any ol’ Friday, but the beginning of a three-day weekend!
We don’t have many plans other than our girls going to a youth group day-trip tomorrow. After skimming my calendar for the weekend, I also saw “check propane levels” on Monday. Ha! Big plans, I tell ya. I wrote that in there after the first time we ran out of propane this winter. Ryan was out of town and we were in single digit temps. Which meant, no heater (thankfully, my boys can start our wood stove), and no stovetop or oven. Lesson learned.
Spring sports are on the horizon, so I’m relishing having another slow weekend again. Soccer and baseball (and of course, riding continues) kickoff in the next couple of weeks. I’m sipping my coffee extra slow today, and staying cozy inside while the 20 mph winds whip around outside. But the sun is out and it’s got me dreaming of spring!
Today, I’m sharing my faves for this month. Let’s get to it!

Up first, since I’m purging and organizing over here, I decided to try out under-the-bed storage totes.

Previously, I used to store my out-of-season clothes in a plastic storage tub all the way down in the basement. However, I found that since it was so far from my bedroom, seasonal clothes would take up residence on my closet floor for months at a time. To accommodate my laziness, I came up with a new system!
Now, I make a pile of clothes needing to be retired until the following year and put them in a basket in my closet until I’m ready to transfer them to the under-bed storage totes. I’m not over the moon about the quality of these zippered totes, but I had a hard time finding ones that are short enough to fit under our low bed frame. So these fit the bill! (Storage totes are 3.62″ H). They come in a set of three, so I’ll be using the other two to do the same in the kids’ rooms!

This past year, the kids and I started using natural toothpaste. I wanted one that was free of artificial dyes, preservatives and sweeteners, was flouride-free and mint flavored.

We’ve really liked Tom’s anti-plaque and whitening toothpaste in “spearmint”. We’ve also tried the “peppermint” flavor, but it wasn’t minty enough for our liking. As in, it left our breath smelling less than minty-fresh! My kids asked just this last week if I could pickup Tom’s mouthwash, for an extra punch of fresh breath (I bought a single bottle from our local Safeway). So we have double fresh breath now! 😄

Along the same vein of protecting health, I’ve been using these blue light blocking glasses for a few years now and love them. I have them in “leopard”…

I’m on my second pair now. I also have them in “wheat”…

They’re lightweight, stay put on my face, and there are so many colors to choose from!
Last year, I went to the eye doctor because I was really having a hard time driving at night. We live on a long two-lane street (down a peninsula), and I was having to put my left hand up to my windshield to block the opposing traffic’s headlights while driving at night. Turns out that my vision is fine, but my eyes aren’t filtering out light when it’s dark like they used to. Hello 40s! Since then, I’ve started being diligent to use anti-reflective glasses for driving at night and blue light blocking glasses when on devices.

My top fave for February, is…

My date with this guy. 😍 Noah has been asking me for weeks now, to go out on a date together. He has been patiently waiting as one thing after another keeps coming up to prolong us going out alone.
Well, this last Wednesday, I pulled him out of school early and we headed to Barnes & Noble for a coffee and book date. Boy after my own heart!
We looked around a bit, he of course had book titles he wanted to ask the clerk about, and we perused the aisles and each picked a book out to bring home. We ordered drinks and cookies at the Starbucks inside the bookstore, grabbed a table, and chatted about life. I had to laugh out loud when he swung his uniform tie over his shoulder before he ate! Noah is such an old soul.
Before we left, I took a picture of the book we each want to buy on our next bookstore date, filed it in notes on my phone, and we are set for next time! I love this boy so much! Where has the time gone?!…

Sweet boy. 🥰

And finally, last night Ryan took the girls to a Casting Crowns concert in Baltimore.

It was a fun outing, because staying out late on a school night is always fun. But they realized after the fact, that they hadn’t brushed up on recent songs AND they should have brought ear plugs. A word to the wise for next time! It was the band’s first tour since before covid, and featured their new album “The Healer”.
My girls told me all about it this morning and were way more enamored by Jonathan Traylor, touring with Casting Crowns, who danced his heart out and apparently had a spectacular moon walk. 😂

That’s all for this month’s Friday Favorites! I hope you have an extra special (hopefully long) weekend! xoxo