Happy Friday!
Even though every day this week there has been a point in the day where I told the kids, “it feels like a Saturday”, I am still happy to have made it to Friday. That means there are five more days until Ryan returns home from…

…his (almost) two week extravaganza with his high school friends in Malaysia.

So while he’s traveling the globe, the kids and I have kept ourselves busy with the revolving door of sleepovers, which has been our favorite…

…with friends and…

For the summer, we convinced our piano teacher to come to our house for lessons. This has been HUGE! We normally have an hour drive (total) to get to her, plus the added 30 minute lesson times each kid that wants to play.
On Tuesday, we had our first summer lesson, after taking a couple of weeks off. It is the first time all four kids are taking a lesson, this being Noah’s first. He loved it so much! And Josiah relished the fact that he is ahead of his older brother, since he’s been taking lessons for almost two years now. 🤣 This is another favorite from our week…

On Wednesday, we celebrated another 8th grade graduate! My nephew, Sterling, will be going off to high school this fall! He is the oldest cousin (four months older than Alexia), and it was a sweet time seeing and hearing about his life at middle school as we perused through his yearbook.

Sadly, we live in a different county than Ryan’s sister, Tanya, so Alexia and Sterling will not be at the same school.

I love seeing these two’s relationship though. They are sweet, smart, funny, compassionate, leaders, and both thrive on sarcasm as they relate to one another. Both equally tower over their mothers, as well. 😩

Our new cavapoo, Hazel, is still the star of the show around here. Lots of cuddles…

…as well as a Lion King reenactment by Josiah last night at dinner…

Good grief, these kids.

A game that the kids pulled out and had us laughing so hard, we could barely talk is…

As a person highly opposed to saliva, this game is worth muscling through that aspect. (I don’t like being in the same room as someone else brushing their teeth, and I will straight gag when someone tries to talk to me while they’re brushing).

Ahhhh! It still makes me laugh even this morning!

A new book arrived this week that I started reading during my morning quiet time…

It’s not a devotional, but a book, which I am reading alongside this book that Ryan has been benefitting from greatly and recommended that I check it out too.
Another new favorite for my morning routine are these…

…flair pens, bringing JOY to my calendars and notebooks! I stash them in this pretty mug that my friend Heather gave me a while back.
If you missed my Friday Favorites from earlier this month, you can check it out HERE! For a look at all of my Friday Favorites, you can find them all in one place HERE.
This weekend we take Hazel to her first vet appointment, we also have a going away party that will have me in a puddle of tears (I can’t even), and my girls will be getting packed for a week away at youth group camp next week! They can’t wait!
Hope you have a great weekend, and I’ll see you back here on Monday! xoxo