On Sunday, Alexia turned FOURTEEN YEARS OLD!
What in the world?
I blinked. And this…

…turned to this…

There were times where I never thought it would end, but now time won’t slow down!













This girl that made Ryan and I parents, is growing up crazy fast! She was by far the easiest newborn, she literally could only stay awake 15 minutes between feedings. But come toddlerhood, holy smokes, her strong-will came right on out. We realize now how far her determination and capacity can take her with things that matter to her.
Alexia has such a huge capacity for going and going and being with people. I have often joked that she has a bigger capacity for being with people and doing all the things, than the rest of our family combined! She is definitely the most independent of her siblings, point proven when we picked both her and her sister up from their first week of overnight camp, Naiya was retelling the story of how she was crying the first night of camp and wanted to come home, Alexia thought to herself out loud and said, “I wonder what being homesick feels like?”. I about died! Alexia was created to take on the world by force!
A few things about Alexia…
We’ve learned throughout the years, that her personality is one of many dichotomies, even her enneagram combination (if you’re familiar with this personality-typing) is a 9 with an 8 wing. The test result explained that this is the most complicated of all the combinations. And it all made perfect sense…
Although she has the biggest capacity to be with people, she craves peace and alone time the most once she’s home.
She is the master of creating systems to organize herself, but could care less if her room is messy.
She is the most likely to color outside of the lines and if given paint and paper, she would stick both hands in and smear it all on paper in 2 seconds flat, covering over every white space, and call it “good”.
She is reliable and will seamlessly do a job well and get it done in no time flat, with little to no complaining.
She loves all things sugar.
Her love language is quality time, one-on-one time matters to her.
She is the least likely to express her needs, preferring others’ preferences in the moment. She likes to be drawn out and chosen.
She is quick to smile and even quicker to laugh.
She is extremely inclusive and loves blending different genres of friends, connecting people who otherwise wouldn’t be connected. She is aware of the ones that need a nudge of joining the fun, and is quick to invite them in with a smile.
She is stubborn. When she was little, it pushed my buttons. But now, it is used for good things, making her fierce!
She is responsible and knows how to drive a tractor, pulling Ryan out when he gets other farm equipment stuck in ditches or mud. She most likely will learn how to drive a boat and horse trailer before I do.
She is a night owl, and would much rather go to bed late and wake up late. Sadly, she was born into the wrong family with that one. Early bird gets the worm around here!
She cannot stand oatmeal.
She loves baking chocolate chip cookies.
She doesn’t like pink or purple.
She has a lot of stamina and endurance. I tell her all the time, she would be the perfect cross-country runner.
She has had a passion for horses since she was three, and she is pioneering this journey of owning a horse for our family.
She is a natural leader.
She doesn’t have to take control of an environment, but if no one else does, she will. She is okay with doing what others want, but is adamant about what she will not do.
She is a straight-shooter and will tell it like it is.
She is curious and prefers to experience things for herself, instead of taking other people’s word for it.
She loves sushi and buffalo wings.
She has been french braiding her own hair (and her friends’ hair) since she was ten.
She likes painting her nails.
She is not afraid to get dirty and sweaty and is the most likely to grow up and live on a farm.
She has great boundaries and knows who she is.
She has a heart for God.
We love this this girl so much and are so proud of who she is becoming!
Happy Birthday, Alexia Ryan!!!