Hi! I’m Shannon, I’m a born-and-raised northern California girl, who has somehow landed on a farm on the east coast of Maryland. I’m a wife, and mama to four kiddos, and am chasing after fun and freedom for my family. I’m passionate about making each day fun and purposeful, putting healthy meals on the table, working out to keep my head clear, creating outfits that are fashionable and functional, and maintaining my walk with Jesus. I’m a lover of choreographed hip-hop dance, sarcasm and mexican food. I tend to be a rule-follower, inside-the-box thinker, am motivated by positivity, new experiences and a strong desire to combat boredom and avoid pain (#enneagram7). I’m married to a not-all-rules-apply-to-me, think outside the box, logical (but sensitive) guy that grew up in the jungles of the Philippines. I am a full-time mama to Irish twin girls (ages 14 and 13) and two boys (ages 10 and 7). My you-had-me-at-hello’s are: coffee, shopping, reading, organizing and growth-minded resources.

I toggle back and forth between social media being good versus bad. However, the ways that other blogs have positively impacted me via inspiration, creative new ideas and practical resources, far outweigh how social media can often be a drag. I believe valuable relationships established outside of the virtual world is critical, but I also love forums where words and pictures can tell someone’s story.
I hope my little corner of the blog-world sparks joy into your regular, mundane day. I strive for my influence to be one that is positive and encouraging. While there are certainly ups and downs in our home, the intent of my blog is to amplify the things that bring me peace, joy, laughter and efficiency! As well as to document my kids’ childhood, since you won’t find me scrapbooking anytime soon! So you will not find negativity (except for the occasional sarcastic remark, of course) or me airing the dirty laundry of our family for all to read. It is not in an effort to showcase a “pinterest life”, but rather to protect the privacy of my beloveds. Thanks for stopping by, I hope you find some inspiration and have a few good laughs. I would love to hear from you! Please comment with any questions, ideas or hot tips!