It’s a day in the life of the Grossmans!
I’m documenting a day in the life because I know these are going to be the days I want to remember the most. I know there will come a time when I will want to look back at these days and cherish it all, and most likely long for these regular, uneventful days.

These are also my favorite posts to read on other people’s blogs! I love seeing other families’ rhythms and schedules.
For this post, I picked a random Tuesday to document. Nothing spectacular happened, just a glimpse into what a boring old Tuesday looks like around here…

Good morning!
My alarm went off at 4:15am, a few minutes later I finally pulled myself up out of bed. Every morning I brush my teeth first thing, grab my watch and put my slippers on and head downstairs to…

…take Hazel out. I used to just let her out on her own, but she would be gone for hours chasing the horses around in the pasture and eating her weight in manure. When she would finally decide to come back into the house, she would reek to high heaven. Farm dog, she is not. So now I take her out on a leash in the dark, brutal cold. Thankfully, she does her business and we go right back in.

First things first, grab my coffee and then off to my morning perch.

Every morning I have my quiet time before I start my day. I learned early on that if I make this a priority each morning, I’m far less angry and irritable with my husband and kids. I now look forward to this time of solitude every morning! #morningpersonforlife

As of this last year, there is an added dynamic to my quiet time.
Most of the time she curls up in her bed right next to my chair. This particular day, she was all amped up and wanting to play. I put her in her gate to settle down and give myself some much needed peace and quiet.

This year I’m working through reading the bible in one year. This is my first time doing so. Only 340 more days! 🤣

I also follow along with this daily devotional app, Lectio 365. It is a resource that helps you pray the bible every day. My friend, Molly, shared this with me and I love that it is audible and has a globally diverse narrator each day. I was super impressed when one day this app had an “emergency interruption” to go off course and spend time focusing and praying for Ukraine. I find this app to be a perfect prompt to settle myself, slow down, and tune into God’s presence. I feel so much more at peace afterwards.

Speaking of phone apps, Echo is another one that I enjoy using for my prayer life. This is also free, and helps me keep track of my prayers (and others’ prayer requests), so that every morning I can scroll through each one and pray. I also love the feature of “prayer answered”, so I can track all of the ways God was faithful!

Around 5:30, I moved from my comfy perch to my desk and worked a bit on my blog.

A little before 6:00am, I got my calendar out and went over my to-do’s for the day. I color code for each member of our family for quick glance reference. Between this paper calendar, my phone calendar and our dry-erase wall calendar in the kitchen (week at a glance only), our family stays somewhat organized!

Close to 6:30am, I headed to the kitchen and unloaded the dishwasher. I make it a priority to do this before breakfast, so there is no excuse for everyone to put away their own dirty dishes! Less work for me in the end.

I try to drink one of these water bottles before I workout.

At 6:35am, I made my bed and changed into workout clothes.

I recently started forcing myself to make my bed early every morning, because I decided to set the expectation that my kids needed to have their beds be made before leaving for school. I would much rather do so when I get home from school dropoff, but I’m trying to avoid being called a hypocrite. 😜

Before I headed down to the basement to workout, I switched the laundry over. I make it a goal to do one load of laundry daily start to finish, so getting a start on it first thing in the morning is helpful.

At 6:40am it was time to do a quick 20 minute strength training class on my Peleton phone app. I had an early morning appointment that day, so Ryan took the kids to school.

This was last Tuesday’s workout. I love the instructor Robin Arzon, she grew up in the 90s and always has hilarious throwback music and commentary. #ifeelsoknown

Back up to the kitchen at 7:15am and made myself this drink. Before I head out the door every morning (I normally take the kids to school), I do a second fill-up of my water bottle with this post-workout electrolyte powder.

By 7:30am, I was in my car and on my way to a monthly physical therapy appointment. My pelvis tends to get out of alignment, so a regular trip to PT helps with this!

I was back home from my appointment by 9:45am, and didn’t get a chance to eat breakfast before I headed out the door, so I sat down and relaxed and gave myself ten minutes to check Instagram and mindlessly scroll.
I recently started eating the same thing for breakfast (and lunch) every day, rotating weekly, that way I don’t have to think about what I’m going to make myself each day! Last week was homemade chia pudding with protein powder mixed in, almond milk, fruit and granola. I tried chia pudding for the first time a few months back and I’ve been on a kick ever since!

After breakfast, I went on my daily one mile walk with Hazel.

Still so cold in Maryland!

While on our walk, we ran into my neighbor and chatted for a long time! Hazel sat patiently while we talked and soon gave up and laid down on the side of the road.

I had a later start to my day than expected, but I was grateful to have had time to catch up with my neighbor. By 11:00, I did a quick tidy of the kitchen and main floor, then headed up to get showered.

At 11:45, I was dressed and ready for the day! It was cold and windy last Tuesday, so a second cup of coffee was in order. I normally try to stick to one cup a day otherwise. I went to my office and worked a bit more on my blog.

I had lunch around noon and chatted with Ryan before he had to head back upstairs to his office.

I headed back to my office (also our piano room) to catch up on emails, texts, respond to school/sport communication, tackle my to-do list, and plan for the remainder of the week with last minute things that popped up. Then I worked a little bit more on my blog.

At 1:45, it was snack time!

My fave!

When 2:00 rolled around, it was time to tackle that pile of laundry! Folded and put all the clothes away, then headed out the door for school pickup.

At 3:00pm, I picked up these cuties! Cousin carpool these last few weeks as some our kiddos have practice in the afternoons for their school play.

When we arrived back home, I took Hazel out real quick. This after school routine needs to happen immediately, otherwise she tinkles on our hardwood in excitement over seeing the kids after being gone all day.

It’s been so cold here, so the kids warmed themselves up by the fireplace as soon as we got home.

It was Josiah’s turn to bring home the 2nd grade class Paddington Bear. He asked me to take a picture of him and Hazel for his teacher to share during class the next day.

At 4:00pm, I made myself another afternoon snack to hold me off until dinner.

By 4:30, Naiya and Noah were home from play practice, so we caught up on all the school happenings of the day.

Meanwhile, I looked out the window and saw Alexia taking Lady out for a trail ride around our property. (Lady is the companion horse to Alexia’s horse, Selah, that she trains for eventing).

Lady is the sweetest. She was given to us shortly after we bought Selah, by a sweet old man who lost his wife and needed her old horse to go to a good home. She’s been such a gift! Ryan has enjoyed riding Lady and going on trail rides with Alexia.

Never a dull moment around here. I never know where I’ll find Noah reading next!

On Tuesday evenings, Alexia, Noah and Josiah have piano lessons. They’re all getting ready for their spring recital coming up next month.

Noah has also started taking drum lessons here and there, but we have to drive out to Easton for his lessons. He has yet to perform the drums in a recital though!

Homework time around the dining room table.

Pulled pork sandwiches for dinner! I recently started serving dinner buffet-style and I haven’t looked back! It’s so much less work and gives the kids the choice of what they put on their plate.

If you’re looking for another yummy bbq recipe, look no further! Try my Slow Cooker BBQ Pulled Chicken. This one is a keeper!

Post-dinner family cleanup. We each have our responsibility, that way there’s little discussion or confusion about who does what. And we each have our own systems for getting it done quickly.

The kids all make their own lunches at night, fill their water bottles for the next day, pack their backpacks, and put their bags on the barstools. This way, they’re all ready to go in the morning.

By 8:00pm, everyone was in their pajamas, brushed and flossed their teeth, and I read to the boys in their bed.

By 9:00pm, I was in my own bed and read for half an hour before turning off the lights.
And that my friends, is a day in the life of the Grossmans.
Regular, uneventful, normal but busy Tuesday in March. Hope you enjoyed navigating through our day together!
For other glimpses into our life lately, you can see posts from: