On March 1, Noah became our third teenager in the house! How are we here?!

Babies don’t keep.

Noah has been a mama’s boy since the very start. Having my first son was like experiencing having my first baby all over again! I had no idea becoming a boy mom would be such a unique experience, unlike any I’d ever known!
Noah is a boy after my own heart…we are kindred spirits in how we like to spend our free time…grabbing own book and curling up on the sofa together. If there is a choice for members of our family to go out and do something or stay in and chill out, we both are the most likely to choose the latter.
The amount of hours this boy has clocked reading is out of this world. He is by far the knowledgable person in our family.
Noah was born on March 1, and was almost a Leap Year baby! Had I not received an epidural, he most definitely would have been born on February 29.
Here’s a look at our (BIG) little guy throughout the years…










Noah is our renaissance man. His desires, gifts and talents land on a wide range spectrum.
He is the first to try something new or adventurous.
Noah loves historical fiction books.
He loves history, especially the Civil War era.
His dream is to buy a sword from the civil war era.
He currently loves playing basketball (although I missed the deadline this winter to sign both of my boys up), he played his first year of football this last fall, and currently is trying travel track this spring.
He will ALWAYS fill in his free time with consuming books. I’ve lost count of how many times we pile into the car for school and he hops out and sprints back to the house to grab a book for reading in the car.
His favorite color is blue.
His current dream is to live somewhere wild and remote, like Wyoming or Montana, probably the only one in the family open to living somewhere colder than where we live (Maryland).
He loves coffee and can make a mean latte.
He is a creative genius in the kitchen. His specialty is taking something delicious we’ve had at a restaurant and then recreating a healthier version of it at home.
He has always enjoyed reading the bible and enjoys leading our “home church” on Sundays where we are unable to make it to church.
He is a master at diffusing a high stress atmosphere with a gentle tone and pat on the arm.
He loves the beauty of flowers and plants. He’s recently questioned why I have so many faux plants instead of live! In fact, any current live plant in our home is because of him.
We are so proud to call Noah our son, he amazes us more and more each year. He is smart, gentle and adventurous. He brings so much joy to our home!
Happy Birthday, Noah Allen! We love you so much!
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