We made it to Friday! And that is definitely saying something this week.

This week has had an unexpected turn of events where all four of our kids have been home due to Storm Blair (from a polar vortex) that hit the east coast on Sunday night.

It’s been a few years since we’ve had this much snow, which has made this week fun, full, and at times, a bit chaotic.

It has been five straight days of shoveling snow, sledding, 4-wheeling, homemade snow cones, hot cocoa, drying snow gear by the fire, cozying under blankets, late night movies, revolving door with friends and cousins, and sibling squabbles. All fun, but exhausting. We have declared today is a family-only day.

This year is going to be a year of many transitions. Ryan and I have had endless discussions in the last month, as we consider these changes.
While neither of us shy away from change, in fact we naturally welcome it, we are needing to think through many decisions that will effect our family and current lifestyle. I won’t be disclosing these upcoming transitions right now, but I will touch on a challenge that I’m undertaking this year to accommodate them.
I’m taking on the 25 BUYS IN 2025 CHALLENGE.

This year I am limiting myself to 25 purchases for my wardrobe and 25 purchases for our home. I’m looking forward to the mental load it will take off from perusing and shopping, and Ryan is looking forward to me making less Amazon purchases!
In addition, I plan to track my spending through the Every Dollar app and focus on a groceries budget.

I feel relief as I think about refocusing and reprioritizing energy and resources in a way that benefits our family in a positive way, but am concerned about the sacrifice of going without some of the comforts and conveniences I love! Ready or not…
Let’s do this 2025! 💪
Happy Friday! xoxo
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